PSHE is embedded across all that we do at St. Thomas More. Our curriculum approach provides a range of opportunities for children to make links to other areas of learning and explore a wide range of social, moral, cultural and behavioural issues. PSHE is delivered weekly through the use of 'Life to the full' by Ten Ten.
Our PSHE curriculum is taught in three modules and has been designed to help children:
- Understand that they are created and loved by God.
- Understand that they are created to love others.
- Know that they are created to live in community.
Ten Ten is an award-winning Catholic educational organisation. Within the programme, they have built in resources which keep parents informed about what is being taught in school as well as the opportunity to engage in discussion, activity and prayer.
The school also uses three 'Healthy Me' weeks to develop skills and knowledge to create a toolkit of strategies for the children to access now and in the future. Prior to the week, parents are informed of what will be covered in school and also useful information which can be discussed at home.
Wherever possible we invite specialist visitors to enhance particular topics. We also implement learning behaviours in lessons which guide and develop pupils social and emotional competencies through awareness, approach, resilience, empathy and collaboration.