Welcome to the Saint Joseph Class Page

                                                        See related image detail. 11 Interesting Facts About Saint Patrick’s Day ~ Vintage Everyday


A very warm welcome to the Year 4 Webpage! We hope that you find this page informative and useful in keeping you up to date on what is happening in St Joseph class, as well as an exciting and fun look at some of the learning that your children have been up to!

Class Teacher: Mr Tunn and Miss Giddings

Teaching Assistant: Miss Tanya

Year 4's homework schedule: 

Reading books: Books to be changed by children every Wednesday.  School books should be brought into school every day. 

Children must read at least 5 times a week. Please record all reading sessions in your child's reading record book which should be signed by an adult every day.

Times Tables:

Children will receive times tables cards which will correspond to the times table they will be tested on that week. Please use the cards and Times Table Rockstars to practise and revise. They will be assessed every week. All Year 4 children are required to know all of their times tables to 12 and related division facts by the end of this year.

CGP Homework books:

Every Wednesday, homework will be posted on Class Dojo.  Mr Tunn and Miss Giddings will set the homework  each week based on what has been covered in class. Homework is intended to be completed with help from an adult if needed. Answers can be found at the back of the book. All homework must be completed and returned to school each week.


Please remember that we are on hand to answer any of your questions – if you can’t get to talk to us in person, please send a message via Class Dojo.